Fifth District AHEPA Cancer Research Foundation, Inc

June 2024 Newsletter

Greetings from the 5th District AHEPA Family Cancer Research Foundation! We are thrilled to share with you highlights from the 35th Annual Fifth District AHEPA Cancer Research Foundation Celebration that was held this past November. In future updates, we will be sharing with you this year the work that the Foundation is supporting to reach cures for cancer. Our next Celebration will be November 9 this year. Please save the date!

Our celebration held this past November was a resounding success, with nearly 200 attendees. You can find more details and coverage of the event on Cosmos Philly. We will keep you updated on the progress of our grantees’ research, upcoming events, key developments, and opportunities for support.

Founded 35 years ago, the AHEPA Family Cancer Research Foundation has achieved significant milestones, collecting over $1.125 million in donations from our community and friends. As Archimedes once said, “Give me a place to stand and I can move the world,” and that’s precisely what our dedicated grantees and volunteers have accomplished.

Three new grants were announced and issued at this past Gala celebration:

  • Weill Medical College of Cornell University/Children & Blood Foundation
    T cell-derived extracellular vesicles: novel immune agonists for “immune-cold” cancers.
    David C. Lyden, M.D., PhD.
    and Stavros S. Niarchos, Professor and Co-investigator: Mengying Hu, Ph.D., Post-doctoral Fellow
  • Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
    Finding new treatments for triple-negative breast cancer.
    Shridar Ganesan, M.D., Ph.D.
    and Co-investigators: Deborah Toppmeyer, M.D. and Subhajyoti De, Ph.D.
  • Fox Chase Cancer Center
    Meaningful connections PART F: Screening for the best anti-pancreatic stroma potential drug as means to intercept cancer development.
    Edna Cukierman, PhD

The Gala’s program concluded with a moving testimonial from Rosalie Swartz, a pancreatic cancer survivor. Rosalie shared her four-plus-year struggle, highlighting the collaboration with a team of doctors led by Sanjay S. Reddy, MD, FACS, of the Fox Chase Cancer Center. Their combined efforts reflect the goal of the AHEPA Family 5th District Cancer Research Foundation – healing through science and compassion.

Stay tuned for updates on our researchers and how their work is translating into tangible results, including new processes and products. Don’t forget to bookmark our new website for continuous updates throughout the year and “like” us on Facebook.

Thank you for your ongoing support. Together, we are making a difference in the fight against cancer.

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